With our In Memoriam Giving Program you can make a donation to the Central Northeast Health Foundation in memory of a deceased loved one or friend who has touched your life in a special way.
Families have the option of selecting the Central Northeast Health Foundation as their “Charity of Choice” upon the death of a loved one. The family contact will be sent regular updates of all those who have made a donation in memory of their loved one, along with the total funds donated as of that date. A family can also restrict donations received for the benefit of a specific piece of equipment, health facility, department, program or service of the Central Regional Health Authority.
In Memoriam cards are available in funeral homes and health facilities throughout our region, in the Foundation office. If you prefer you can contact our office at (709) 256-5742 and we would be pleased to mail In Memoriam cards directly to your home.
You may also select the “Make a Donation” button to make your secure, online In Memoriam donation.